paris – Jericho's Place Travels and Blogs More than a place,travels and blogs Tue, 23 Apr 2019 19:18:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 paris – Jericho's Place Travels and Blogs 32 32 A burning church, falling-debris churches and blood flooded churches; sign of Apocalypse? Tue, 23 Apr 2019 19:18:12 +0000 From France to Sri Lanka and Philippines, different churches around the world suffered different fate from natural calamity to barbaric human acts. The disasters in all the churches happened only within a week period that started on Monday until this week Monday. Is a word “Monday”, a sign of premonition before the rapture or it might signify that today, 23rd of April 2019 (Tuesday) is dictated as the beginning of Apocalypse!

Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, just to connect the dots and to give you a brief background about the world events that started on Monday up to the next Monday this week. Here are the chronological events that happened during this period:

1). 15th of April 2019 (Holy Monday) at 1850 (French Time), the flame started beneath the roof of the Notre Dame Church in Paris. It started on Holy Monday as the beginning of one (1) week prayer, abstinence and penance for Catholics but it marked also the beginning of the disaster for the 850-year-old iconic structure of Paris. The cause of fire is still not clear, but some said that the fire started due to the recent construction inside the church.

2). 21st of April 2019 (Easter Sunday) at 845AM (Sri Lankan Time), the St. Anthony’s Shrine at Colombo was blasted during the celebration of Easter Sunday. The roof of the church blown-out because of the heavy explosion. Then, it was followed by the two (2) churches of St. Sebastian Catholic Church at Negombo and Protestant Zion Church at Batticaloa. The atmosphere showed the flood of blood splattered on the floor of every church.

3). 22nd of April 2019 (Ordinary Monday) at 1711 (Philippine Time), the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was recorded at the center of Castellejos, Zambales, Philippines. The St. Catherine Parish Church at Porac, Pampanga was badly damaged with debris falling at the area of the bell tower. While Sta. Monica Parish Church at Minalin, Pampanga suffered major cracks and still on dangerous situation.

As with biblical prophecy, the 23rd of April 2019 is stated the day of Christian numerologist prediction as the beginning of rapture. The numerologists said that nobody knows the hour or the day of coming but we are warned to prepare.

Within a week period from Holy Monday until this latest Monday, more churches are affected by different catastrophes. Unexpectedly before the end of Monday this week, another disaster struck the peaceful place of Pampanga, Philippines where earthquake hits different church heritage of the area. Last Holy Monday, the fires engulfed Notre Dame costing billions of moneys including the important century relics of the Catholic Church. The prime of all, the Sri Lanka bomb blasts of different churches manifest the most horrific and inhumane scenario painted in the history of civilized society.

The splurge of blood sacrificed on every disaster from Paris to Colombo and Pampanga (80km from Manila) is the start of the reign of terror serves as a premonition of apocalypse, or just merely a coincidence twisting the meaning of the biblical prophecy?

We want to know your thoughts just simply comment below!

((You too can invite us to cover your events and product presentations to be featured in our blogs at, Jon & Jeri at YouTube/ePro Webstore Channel and message us in Whatsapp no: +971-525527986. We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful. Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below.)

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Notre Dame has more but Sri Lanka has nothing, then where is humanity? Sun, 21 Apr 2019 18:30:02 +0000 Circle of news for nearly billion donations for Notre Dame Cathedral raised more eyebrows for some of the people whose view of humanity should be equal than of the structure as Notre Dame. Is it a responsibility of feeding the humanity than the belief of raising up the iconic structure?

Just today, 21st of April 2019 on the mid of celebration of Easter Sunday, rivers of blood are flooding on the simultaneous attacks on three (3) churches and hotels at different locations of Sri Lanka. It started at around 8:45AM (Sri Lankan Time) at St. Anthony’s Shrine in Colombo then followed by two (2) attacks at St. Sebastian Church in Negombo and Zion Church in Batticaloa. There are three (3) hotels also that were attacked, the Shangrila, the Cinnamon Grand and the Kingsbury.

In the news, a total of 200 people died including 35 foreigners while around 450 have been injured on these coordinated attacks. The nationalities of the 11 foreigners died have identified: 3 Indians, 1 Portuguese, 2 Turkish, 3 UK and 2 US and UK nationalities.

As of the press time, more bodies are being identified and families are given the chance to identify their relatives. Mourning and condemnation are the common sentiments being heard for these cruel acts. Police report said that there eight bomb blast spread on different areas of Sri Lanka with 156 people died on the spot.

More people are aware that areas of the world do not get attention same as much of Notre Dame, other areas and countries will be forgotten to allow time to heal themselves. The recent Sri Lanka bomb attacks, the Rohingya is still not settled until this time, the South Sudan famine is still on and off threat. There are millions still affected by War in Yemen, Libya, Syria and more countries who are under civil wars. But others believed that Notre Dame is just a structure that has been a subject of a thousand times rebuilding for 850 years existence causing much more of Euros expenditures before it was engulfed on this latest fire.

On the contrary, French President Emmanuel Macron vowed to rebuild the Cathedral in five-years’ time. He urged his countrymen that this will be a “passionately French Project”. He said that, “what we are and what we are to become, to become better than we are today”.

Below are the pledges and donations for rebuilding the symbol of France and be once again visible on the “Ile de la Cité” landscape of Paris, can we have them in Sri Lanka with these recent attacks and rest who needs more donations:

1. Euro 200 million – L’Oreal with Bettencourt Meyers family
2. Euro 200 million – Bernard Arnault of LVMH
3. Euro 100 million – François-Henri Pinault of Kering Group of Companies
4. Euro 100 million – Patrick Pouyanné of Total
5. Euro 50 million – City of Paris
6. Euro 20 million – BNP
7. Euro 20 million – JCDecaux Advertising
8. Euro 10 million – Societe Generale Bank
9. Euro 10 million – Bouygues Group
10. Euro 10 million – AXA
11. Euro 10 million – Marc Ladreit de Lacharriere
12. Euro 10 million – Ile De France Authority
13. USD 5 million – Walt Disney
14. Euro 1 million – Auvergne-Rhone Alpes Region
15. Euro 1 million – Cap Gemini

There are more undisclosed donations and pledges from Apple of Tim Cook, Air France-KLM, Vinci, Saint-Gobain, Caisse Des Depots of Eric Lombard, Casino-Franprix and Monoprix and European Central Bank.

If you can remember our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, the Notre Dame Cathedral was on fire last 15th of April 2019 (Monday). The iconic symbol of France that has been popularized due to 13 million tourists visiting per year.

(You too can invite us to cover your event to be featured in our blogs at , Jon & Jeri at YouTube/ePro Webstore Channel and message us in Whatsapp no: +971-525527986. We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful. Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below.)

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