earthquake – Jericho's Place Travels and Blogs More than a place,travels and blogs Tue, 23 Apr 2019 19:18:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 earthquake – Jericho's Place Travels and Blogs 32 32 A burning church, falling-debris churches and blood flooded churches; sign of Apocalypse? Tue, 23 Apr 2019 19:18:12 +0000 From France to Sri Lanka and Philippines, different churches around the world suffered different fate from natural calamity to barbaric human acts. The disasters in all the churches happened only within a week period that started on Monday until this week Monday. Is a word “Monday”, a sign of premonition before the rapture or it might signify that today, 23rd of April 2019 (Tuesday) is dictated as the beginning of Apocalypse!

Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, just to connect the dots and to give you a brief background about the world events that started on Monday up to the next Monday this week. Here are the chronological events that happened during this period:

1). 15th of April 2019 (Holy Monday) at 1850 (French Time), the flame started beneath the roof of the Notre Dame Church in Paris. It started on Holy Monday as the beginning of one (1) week prayer, abstinence and penance for Catholics but it marked also the beginning of the disaster for the 850-year-old iconic structure of Paris. The cause of fire is still not clear, but some said that the fire started due to the recent construction inside the church.

2). 21st of April 2019 (Easter Sunday) at 845AM (Sri Lankan Time), the St. Anthony’s Shrine at Colombo was blasted during the celebration of Easter Sunday. The roof of the church blown-out because of the heavy explosion. Then, it was followed by the two (2) churches of St. Sebastian Catholic Church at Negombo and Protestant Zion Church at Batticaloa. The atmosphere showed the flood of blood splattered on the floor of every church.

3). 22nd of April 2019 (Ordinary Monday) at 1711 (Philippine Time), the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was recorded at the center of Castellejos, Zambales, Philippines. The St. Catherine Parish Church at Porac, Pampanga was badly damaged with debris falling at the area of the bell tower. While Sta. Monica Parish Church at Minalin, Pampanga suffered major cracks and still on dangerous situation.

As with biblical prophecy, the 23rd of April 2019 is stated the day of Christian numerologist prediction as the beginning of rapture. The numerologists said that nobody knows the hour or the day of coming but we are warned to prepare.

Within a week period from Holy Monday until this latest Monday, more churches are affected by different catastrophes. Unexpectedly before the end of Monday this week, another disaster struck the peaceful place of Pampanga, Philippines where earthquake hits different church heritage of the area. Last Holy Monday, the fires engulfed Notre Dame costing billions of moneys including the important century relics of the Catholic Church. The prime of all, the Sri Lanka bomb blasts of different churches manifest the most horrific and inhumane scenario painted in the history of civilized society.

The splurge of blood sacrificed on every disaster from Paris to Colombo and Pampanga (80km from Manila) is the start of the reign of terror serves as a premonition of apocalypse, or just merely a coincidence twisting the meaning of the biblical prophecy?

We want to know your thoughts just simply comment below!

((You too can invite us to cover your events and product presentations to be featured in our blogs at, Jon & Jeri at YouTube/ePro Webstore Channel and message us in Whatsapp no: +971-525527986. We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful. Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below.)

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13 Earthquake Safety Tips Mon, 22 Apr 2019 19:25:46 +0000 Earthquake strikes on April 22, 2019 to various locations around the world. Magnitude 6.1 rocked the Philippines at least five people were dead. The Clark International Airport in Pampanga seriously damaged causing its operation to shutdown and flights were cancelled. Heritage churches in Pampanga remain closed to the public after the 6.1 magnitude hit the area. The bell tower of Saint Catherine Church, one of the oldest churches in Pampanga collapsed after the quake.

Here are the 13 earthquake safety tips,

  1. Prepare an emergency supply kit and stored in accessible area.
  2. Plan a second way to exit each room or area in your house or workplace.
  3. Always check the nearest evacuation area.
  4. Familiarize the hazards in your area.
  5. Store fire extinguisher in an easily accessible location.
  6. Stay calm and be alert.
  7. During the shaking, drop, cover and hold on.
  8. Move to an open area if outside.
  9. Move quickly to higher grounds if near the shore.
  10. Move away from steep slopes.
  11. If driving, do not cross bridges, overpass or flyovers.
  12. Monitor the situation from the radio, tv and social media.
  13. Keep updated emergency contact numbers such as hospitals, fire station, police station, etc.

Always remember, safety first!

(You too can invite us to cover your event to be featured in our blogs at , Jon & Jeri at YouTube/ePro Webstore Channel and message us in Whatsapp no: +971-525527986. We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful. Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below.)

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