Vatican City – Jericho's Place Travels and Blogs More than a place,travels and blogs Sat, 13 Apr 2019 16:19:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Vatican City – Jericho's Place Travels and Blogs 32 32 Homosexual cliques among clergies disturbing online, per the letter of Retired Pope Benedict XVI ! Sat, 13 Apr 2019 16:19:58 +0000 (You too can invite us to cover your event to be featured in our blogs at , Jon & Jeri at YouTube/ePro Webstore Channel and message us in Whatsapp no: +971-525527986. We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful. Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below.)

Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, another disturbing scandal has been spreading online this week that totally caused havoc on the hierarchy of the Catholic Church over the published letter of Retired Pope Benedict XVI on the issue of homosexuality and sex abuses in the church that blames “all-out sexual freedom” of the 1960 revolution.

He said on his letter that pedophilia starts by allowing films to show nudity that leads to the “mental collapse and violence”. He added that due to sexual revolution, the pedophilia generates as quote “diagnosed as allowed and appropriate.”

He said that sexual revolution leads to homosexual cliques among clergy, it means priests have their own small groups who tolerate their sexual activities secretly. This was the period that “dissolution of Christian concept of morality” affects the Catholic educational system, also due to consideration on the suggestions of bishops on bringing the concept of “modern Catholicism.”

As per Wikipedia, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops at the beginning of 1970 provided a pastoral care stating homosexual “”should have an active role in the Christian community” and have called on “all Christians and citizens of good will to confront their own fears about homosexuality and to curb the humor and discrimination that offend homosexual persons. We understand that having a homosexual orientation brings with it enough anxiety, pain and issues related to self-acceptance without society bringing additional prejudicial treatment.” It is not mentioned in particular if this pastoral letter is what mentioned in the letter of the Retired Pope as not aligned to the doctrine of the church that affected the Catholic institution.

With reference to the New York Post headlined on 14th of February 2019, it is mentioned in the book of French journalist Frédéric Martel that 80 percent among respected priests are homosexuals although many are sexually not active. It stated in the book that some small group called “closet” becomes the unspoken code among the clergies that is referred as “homosexual cliques” as mentioned in the letter.

We are sending our prayers to our priests to be strong amidst this internal crisis happening in the church. My point of view of internal cleansing should have to start for those who committed sexual abuses then present them accordingly subject to the law of the land.

(You too can invite us to cover your events and product presentations for FREE to be featured in our blogs @, Jon & Jeri at YouTube/Jericho’s Place Channel, FREE posting of products & services @ We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful just message us at Whatsapp no: +971-525527986. Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below.)

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Besides on Pope Francis refusal for Faithfuls to kiss the Papal Ring, is there any other reason? Fri, 05 Apr 2019 00:31:19 +0000 Pope Francis now is in the center of controversy for refusing Faithfuls to kiss the Papal Ring, is there any other reason besides spreading the germs? Just thinking, maybe Pope Francis changed some of the mandates of the church to somewhat entrepreneurial approach, what will be the reaction of Filipinos and faithfuls around the world on why the Pope has the issue nowadays? Let’s hear some of the conversations about it so that we will know the pulse of our readers. Maybe it is time to change some of the mandates of the church to relevant issues of society, have your comments down below regarding this issue as to know your reactions.

This topic might be another issue that will spark but it is just if the doctrine of entrepreneurship is implemented to revolutionize the set-up on Catholic Church. It will be a first time that church step-up to really alleviate the poverty situation of its followers if entrepreneurship has been included on the teachings of the church. Teaching the basis of business is hard to implement specially to those countries whose orientations are not with business but to prioritize the food on their table.

I would imagine if the mandate of the church changed then Catechism will be one of a highly regarded subjects since the skills of entrepreneurship will be broken-down into pieces of doctrines understandable by the young students. It will strengthen their skills of business then the motivation of these kids will be on having profit while enjoying being true to its faith. I would imagine kids will be more creative in the areas of their lives because nurturance of having a weapon to survive is freely given to their hands. The kid’s terminologies will change to somewhat like income, profit, loss, gain, stocks and many more. Then context will be based on the bible on how business will run or develop.

More proactive approach will be implemented if entrepreneurship will be part of a doctrine. There will be a fruitful combination on putting prayers together with business as they are bound to base their business strategies on the teachings of the bible. The concept about money will change as it is called before, “money is the root of all evils” where Faithfuls ended-up defending more on donations and relief goods. This stigma created about money hinders faithfuls not to conduct business as money is tagged as evil. What I am saying is more of imagination if this entrepreneurship concept will be a part of Catholic doctrine?

Based on my experienced, I grew-up with the teachings of the church and I somewhat know the defense of the church on gray areas of the doctrines. Like for example on the defense for having faith, it is an energy that you cannot see but it is powerful, so they will be using the analogy of the air or wind that you cannot see but you feel it. The defender will exemplify the power of wind that sometimes the force is so strong that you cannot resist it like a typhoon. If at my time the teachings of the church are more of entrepreneurial than the skill of being defensive, then more Filipinos are now inclined for having business. They will maximize their time to create income and stronger bonds to their beliefs because of the entrepreneurship doctrine. I think if this entrepreneurship doctrine was implemented before then more people are not indulging much more on vices e.g. drugs and gambling as not to waste their money and effort doing these activities.

According to Wikipedia based on criticism about Catholic Church, about 1/6 of the world populations are Catholics but there are no statistics on how many Catholics are poor around the world. Some said it is 80% to 90% of the members are living below poverty line but it is still not confirmed or there is no study to validate the percentage. More of corruption issues have been criticized about Catholic Church as per the said report. There is no research also on how many million lives of the members have changed until this time for a betterment on whether they uplift their lives to middle income families or retain to be poor until their death.

If and if Papal Policy changes to include entrepreneurship as a doctrine, then more lives will change since the approach about business will start from the kids who will be influenced on the techniques. Parishioners will be motivated furthermore since the Catholic Church has the power to inspire people especially if it will be focused on livelihood alleviation. Imagine the church has some catechism like my Puhunan and Go Negosyo…who knows later, doctrine will shift on entrepreneurship direction.

(You too can invite us to cover your event to be featured in our blog at , Jon & Jeri at YouTube/ePro Webstore Channel and message us in Whatsapp no: +971-525527986. We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful. Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below.)


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