Switch off your faucet is a must!

Based on the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) – Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific 2007 – Data 2000, the average person in the Philippines uses 172.5 liters per person per day. Below are the tips on how to reduce the excessive usage of water.

  1. Check regularly for water leaks and if found repair it immediately.
  2. Always double check that all faucets are tightly closed.
  3. Recycle water like water used to wash dishes may be reused for flushing the toilet.
  4. When doing laundry by hand, use a basin with the right amount of water and soak heavily soiled clothes first.
  5. When doing laundry by washing machine, wash with full load only every other day and use the necessary amount of detergent.
  6. When taking a bath, take shorter showers or use a pail and dipper instead.
  7. Close the faucet while washing, shaving or brushing teeth and use a glass of water for gargling.
  8. Fill a basin with water to soak and clean fruits and vegetables instead of using running water.
  9. Bring out frozen food early enough to thaw at room temperature before cooking and do not thaw frozen food under a running water.
  10. Water your plants during cooler parts of the day like early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
  11. Use a pail of water not water hose for washing your car and use a cotton rag instead of sponge.

Together, we can save the mother earth!


(Our Bestfriend OFWs, you can invite us to cover your events to be featured in our blog at http://jerichosplace.com and “Jon & Jeri” of YouTube/ePro Webstore Channel. We are ready to serve even on a simple gathering to make your event a meaningful one, we will wait for your comments and invitation)


Jeri Yalung

Jeri is the host of Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” and “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel. He already travelled in 82 countries and territories that covered the 275 cities and towns around the world. He is a licensed mechanical engineer, small-scale entrepreneur, web designer, blogger and founder/administrator of www.jerichosplace.com and Jericho’s Place Condotel. A certified TEFL teacher handling 121 classes and groups from ESO to adults in general, and business English. He worked for more than sixteen (16) years as energy professional in EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) for oil and gas industries spanning across the Middle East, Europe, Asia and Africa.