“The voice of Malala on maltreatment…a series on Justin Bieber, Britney Spears and Wakim (PBB 8) Have It?”- Webseries 6

We already explained that maltreatment happened with the hands of caregivers, parents and relatives. Now we want to know the classification of maltreatment to further explain the abuses happening inside the house or the family. This is to connect with EUPD so that we are aware of the inclination or effect of the disorder between wife and the husband who are now the new parents. We will look on to MSD Manual Professional Version to provide us the classification of maltreatment:

1. Physical abuse involves inflicting physical harm or engaging in actions that create a high risk of harm with forms of shaking, dropping, striking, biting, and burning (eg, by scalding or touching with cigarettes). Abuse is the most common cause of serious head injury in infants. In toddlers, abdominal injury is also common.

2. Sexual abuse is any action with a child that is done for the sexual gratification of an adult or significantly older child constitutes sexual abuse, forms sexual abuse include intercourse, which is oral, anal, or vaginal penetration; molestation, which is genital contact without intercourse; and forms that do not involve physical contact by the perpetrator, including exposure of the perpetrator’s genitals, showing sexually explicit material to a child, and forcing a child to participate in a sex act with another child or to participate in the production of sexual material.

3. Emotional abuse is inflicting emotional harm through the use of words or actions. Specific forms include berating a child by yelling or screaming, spurning by belittling the child’s abilities and achievements, intimidating and terrorizing with threats, and exploiting or corrupting by encouraging deviant or criminal behavior. Emotional abuse can also occur when words or actions are omitted or withheld, becoming emotional neglect (eg, ignoring or rejecting children or isolating them from interaction with other children or adults).

4. Child abuse in a medical setting when parents or caregivers intentionally produce or falsify physical or psycho-logic symptoms or signs in a child. Caregivers may injure the child with drugs or other agents or add blood or bacterial contaminants to urine specimens to simulate disease. Many children receive unnecessary and harmful or potentially harmful tests and treatments.

5. Neglect is the failure to provide for or meet a child’s basic physical, emotional, educational, and medical needs. Neglect differs from abuse in that it usually occurs without intent to harm.

Different types of neglect can be defined as
a. Physical neglect includes failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, supervision, and protection from potential harm.
b. Emotional neglect is failure to provide affection or love or other kinds of emotional support.
c. Educational neglect is failure to enroll a child in school, ensure attendance at school, or provide home schooling
d. Medical neglect is failure to ensure that a child receives appropriate care or needed treatment for injuries or physical or mental disorders.

6. Cultural factors applying severe corporal punishment includes whipping, burning, scalding clearly constitutes physical abuse, but for lesser degrees of physical and emotional chastisement, the boundary between socially accepted behavior and abuse varies among different cultures. Likewise, certain cultural practices like female genital mutilation are so extreme as to constitute abuse.

We already know the six (6) classifications of maltreatment that involve physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, child abuse in medical setting, neglect and cultural factors. We know also that these abuses correlates to EUPD (emotionally unstable personality disorder). It means the sad experiences we have when we are young are still there. It is still an excess burden that is not explained nor treated. It is the hatred not released for longer period.

Continuation on Webseries 7 tomorrow!

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Jon Pedragosa

Jon is one of the hosts of Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” and “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel. He already travelled in 35 countries and territories on his porfolio. He is a small-scale entrepreneur, blogger and founder of www.jerichosplace.com and Jericho’s Place Condotel. A certified TEFL teacher handling 121 classes and groups from ESO to adults in general, and business English. He worked in an Oil and Gas Industry as a Field Administrator with sixteen (16) years of total experience in Administration (Site/ Project), HR, Procurement, Vendor and Sales Coordination for production operations, construction, compression plant projects and petrochemical industries from UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.