wasta – Jericho's Place Travels and Blogs http://blogs.jerichosplace.com More than a place,travels and blogs Fri, 15 Mar 2019 09:49:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 http://blogs.jerichosplace.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/logo-more-than-250-70x70.png wasta – Jericho's Place Travels and Blogs http://blogs.jerichosplace.com 32 32 The “WASTA” Syndrome http://blogs.jerichosplace.com/2019/03/15/the-wasta-syndrome/ http://blogs.jerichosplace.com/2019/03/15/the-wasta-syndrome/#comments Fri, 15 Mar 2019 09:49:53 +0000 http://jerichosplace.com/?p=1562 One of our readers from Gulf shared her experienced about “WASTA”. The views and opinions expressed in the following article does not necessarily reflect the policies and position of Jericho’s Place. The story was shared for the lesson learned gain on her story. Please share your comments and feedback about the below article:

I don’t want to write something about “wasta” because I don’t know really the meaning or if it has really a significance entity attached to the word. But I become curious as I always hear the word “wasta”. What is really the meaning of “wasta”?

I google the word “wasta” if it really exists then I found the word from Wikipedia, it is an Arabic word that loosely translate to nepotism, clout or ‘who you know’. It refers to using one’s connections and/or influence to get things done, including government transactions such as the quick renewal of a passport, waiving of traffic fines, and getting hired for or promoted in a job.

I first encountered the word “wasta” when one of our superintendents suddenly disappeared on site without any permission, he disappeared for one day…on second day…then on third day until the report came to our attention. I called the person to know his explanation on why he always disappeared on site, he said that he took a driving lesson on the day I called him but luckily, he passed the driving test (it means we are late but anyway).

He was saying an apology not to repeat again though it has a repercussion in terms of company policy not only an apology. I asked him “how did you get a license where you only have a skilled labor visa?” He answered me by saying through “WASTA”. He said that there is a Banga__ (a local term refers to a person belong to Asian nationality) helped him where he paid USD 3,950.00 and who referred him to someone at the licensing office where he got a schedule for a driving test (so it means wasta works because he got the license).

Then I continue inquiring on how it works with others, one of my respondents said that she got her visa from her wasta by paying USD 1,975.00 for two (2) years not a kadama or domestic helper visa but a work visa. I asked her how it works, she said that somebody from salon referred her to a Mas__ (refer to a person with Arabic decent) who accompanied her near to the Visa Office where the visa was processed.

The word “wasta” is a term refers to a favor being asked or being given in exchange of money or simply connection deviating to the actual policy, it is a family term of “padrino” that works in the Philippine and “mafia” of Italy (now I am looking for its cousin and uncle…!!!).

The term “wasta” is embedded to the culture and not only to the mouth but reaching to the stomach of individuals – it means every country has a bad tomato!  It is like a skin that has lesion that requires surgery or operation, but the scar still there.

Our advice to our dear readers, always get the lesson learned from the story…

(Our Bestfriend OFWs, you can invite us to cover your events to be featured in our blog at www.jerichosplace.com and “Jon & Jeri” of ePro Webstore in YouTube Channel. We are ready to serve even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful, we will wait for your comments and invitation)

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