Jon Pedragosa – Jericho's Place Travels and Blogs More than a place,travels and blogs Sat, 25 Sep 2021 17:48:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jon Pedragosa – Jericho's Place Travels and Blogs 32 32 Eres Talipandas: An Account of Slight Racism in Spain! (Part 3) Sat, 25 Sep 2021 09:54:00 +0000 Some of our “Kababayans belittle those people who have no papers or if they approach you first, they will simply ask you if you have papers” as if they are going to help or as if they came from the top like Isabel Preysler when they arrived here in Spain that automatically got their papers ready. Have some decency to ask questions, respect these people who are working in the house or whatsoever field specially “Kababayans”, even though they don’t have anything now. You can assist and help them this time, treat them well with respect otherwise call-out if they are abusive.  They need to survive as everyone else even after pandemic as they have family to feed and support in the Philippines. Remember, these “Kababayans” who have no papers now will soon get a better opportunity than you are or can be your savior in the future!

(Algunos de nuestros “Kababayans menosprecian a las personas que no tienen papeles o si se te acercan primero, simplemente te preguntan si tienes papeles?” Como si te fueran a ayudar o como si vinieran de arriba como Isabel Preysler cuando llegaron aquí en España que automáticamente preparó sus papeles. Ten algo de decencia para hacer preguntas, respeta a estas personas que están trabajando en la casa o en cualquier campo especialmente “Kababayans”, aunque ahora no tienen nada. Puede ayudarlos y ayudarlos esta vez, trátelos bien con respeto, de lo contrario, dígales si son abusivos. Necesitan sobrevivir como todos los demás incluso después de la pandemia, ya que tienen una familia que alimentar y mantener en Filipinas. Recuerde, estos “Kababayans” que ahora no tienen papeles pronto tendrán una mejor oportunidad que usted o pueden ser su salvador en el futuro.)

What is “TALIPANDAS”, is a Filipino word to refer and describe in a colloquial term, the irritating Spanish actuations or mannerisms. It is an expression that describes the person, event or situation that irritates including the mannerisms, attitude and behavior in general but not only Spain. According to Wiktionary, “talipandas” is an adjective for the following: hypocritical, flirtatious, licentious, bold, insolent, disrespectful, inconstant, fickle and imprudent…etc. But since we are in Spain, we can use “talipandas” in a form of “tiene talipandas cerca de ti” or describing the face of snob and racist person along the road, “esta cara es talipandas” then its up to you to use it in any situations.

(Qué es “TALIPANDAS”, es una palabra filipina para referirse y describir en un término coloquial las irritantes actuaciones o manierismos españoles. Es una expresión que describe a la persona, hecho o situación que le irrita incluyendo los gestos, actitudes y comportamientos en general pero no solo de España. Según el Wikcionario, “talipandas” es un adjetivo para lo siguiente: hipócrita, coqueto, licencioso, atrevido, insolente, irrespetuoso, inconstante, voluble e imprudente… etc. Pero como estamos en España, podemos usar “talipandas” en una forma de “tiene talipandas cerca de ti” o describiendo el rostro de una persona snob y racista en el camino, “esta cara es talipandas”, entonces depende de usted usar en cualquier situación.)

Its time to change the “snob and grudge culture” to our “KAPWA FILIPINO”. We must develop the Spanish market on our advantage by “promoting and not competing” on a small market of Filipinos with approximately 100 thousand in numbers unlike in UAE with 1 million Filipinos. Please share with us any form of slight racism that you experienced along the road or workplace. We must work in harmony otherwise you will hear now these words from our Kababayans, “ERES TALIPANDAS?”

(Es hora de cambiar la “cultura del esnob y el rencor” a nuestra “KAPWA FILIPINO”. Debemos desarrollar el mercado español en nuestra ventaja “promoviendo y no compitiendo” en un pequeño mercado de filipinos con aproximadamente 100 mil en números, a diferencia de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos con 1 millón de filipinos. Comparta con nosotros cualquier forma de racismo leve que haya experimentado en la carretera o en el lugar de trabajo. Debemos trabajar en armonía, de lo contrario escucharás ahora estas palabras de nuestros Kababayans, “ERES TALIPANDAS?”)


Ano pang hinihintay mo, magtweet o mag-pm na kay Jon and Jeri para ikwento o ibulalas ang inyong saloobin o tanong sa buhay, ipadala o magmessage sa Facebook Account na “Jon y Jeri”,  Facebook page ng Jericho’s Place Travels and Blogs o Jaryo Group Online o mag-email sa amin sa:

Bawat kwento po ay hahanapan namin ng kasagutan na magbibigay ng inspirasyon at aral para sa ating mga kababayan. Bibigyan po namin ng regalo mula dito sa Europa ang mga kwentong inyong ipadadala. Kaya comment na below at magsubscribe na sa aming YouTube Channels na Jon and Jeri at Jericho’s Place at bisitahin ang aming website na!

System Mechanic® Ultimate Defense™

Then comment below, share, likes and subscribe now to Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” & “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel then follow our blogs at and register to Teaching English in Madrid at


Ano pang hinihintay ninyo so chat na sa: o mag- whatsapp na sa no. +34-672407221 and +639209651979 then subscribe now bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world!

Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, if you have story from ordinary to being extraordinary, from rags to riches story, silver lining to gold spoon achievements or simply to boost your confidence and morale then send your CVs or RESUMES plus attached a 1 to 2 minutes video clip and photos (only wholesome videos and photos will be accepted) on our email found below to be posted online for free, maybe you can find your “Job of a Lifetime.”

Alibaba Cloud

Jon and Jeri Advice- “Hanggang bata ka pa ay magnegosyo na, sabayan ng sipag, tiyaga, koneksyon at diskarte, samahan ng sipag sa pag-aaral para ang buhay ay bumuti!” (Start your business while young plus learn the art of hard work, patience, connection and pursuant to finish your college education then your life will be successful in the future.)

(YOU TOO can invite us to cover your events and product presentations for FREE to be featured in our blogs @ , Jon & Jeri and Jericho’s Place Channel in YouTube. FREE selling, posting of products & services @ and hotel booking at We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful just message us at Whatsapp no: +34-672407221 and +639209651979, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below…SUBSCRIBE NOW!)

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Eres Talipandas: An Account of Slight Racism in Spain! (Part 2) Fri, 24 Sep 2021 09:08:43 +0000 Besides that, there are some “talipandas moments” that you will encounter for having an intercambio with a local Spanish, they will ask first your whatsapp to identify you then if found Asian or black then they will block you straight away. There are some local Spanish also whom you thought they are your friends that you trusted a lot because you have been talking for long time but at the end, they are using you for their own benefits or past time or they are thinking that you are using them for personal favor while you are not asking anything in return.

(Además de eso, hay algunos “momentos talipandas” que encontrarás por tener un intercambio con un español local, primero te pedirán a tu whatsapp que te identifique y luego si te encuentran asiático o negro y luego te bloquearán de inmediato. También hay algunos españoles locales en los que pensaste que eran tus amigos en los que confiabas mucho porque llevas hablando mucho tiempo pero al final, te están usando para sus propios beneficios o pasatiempos o están pensando que estás usando ellos por favor personal mientras usted no está pidiendo nada a cambio.)

Also, along the road you will encounter this kind of people like a woman with an age whom you just passed by keep checking on her bag as if she was a victim of pickpocketing or as if she has a billion or tons of gold in her bag, she is showing to you blatantly this kind of action. Another, a couple along Calle Serrano who are walking towards you suddenly cover their faces with face masks while you are all along wearing your own facemask as if you are a bacteria or virus to their sight or you are so dirty, and they are so clean.

(Además, a lo largo del camino te encontrarás con este tipo de personas como una mujer con una edad a la que acabas de pasar por seguir revisando su bolso como si fuera víctima de un carterista o como si tuviera mil millones o toneladas de oro en su bolso. , te está mostrando descaradamente este tipo de acción. Otro, una pareja por la calle Serrano que camina hacia ti de repente se cubre la cara con mascarillas mientras tú estás todo el tiempo con tu propia mascarilla como si fueras una bacteria o un virus a su vista o estuvieras tan sucia y ellos tan limpios.)

Being “talipandas” is applicable to our “Kababayans” like when you say “hi and hello” to them along the road then they will simply look at you, not with smile as if you are nothing, but you hear them talking in Filipino. Sometimes we need to give time to our “Kababayans” especially at this time of covid pandemic that people need support emotionally or needs assistance for the protection of mental health since we are away from our family.

(Ser “talipandas” es aplicable a nuestros “Kababayans”, como cuando les dices “hola y hola” a lo largo del camino, entonces simplemente te mirarán, no con una sonrisa como si no fueras nada, sino que los escuchas hablar en filipino. A veces tenemos que dar tiempo a nuestros “Kababayans” especialmente en este momento de covid pandemia que la gente necesita apoyo emocional o necesita asistencia para la protección de la salud mental ya que estamos lejos de nuestra familia.)

(Continue reading the Part 3…continúe leyendo la Parte 3)

Ano pang hinihintay mo, magtweet o mag-pm na kay Jon and Jeri para ikwento o ibulalas ang inyong saloobin o tanong sa buhay, ipadala o magmessage sa Facebook Account na “Jon y Jeri”,  Facebook page ng Jericho’s Place Travels and Blogs o Jaryo Group Online o mag-email sa amin sa:

Bawat kwento po ay hahanapan namin ng kasagutan na magbibigay ng inspirasyon at aral para sa ating mga kababayan. Bibigyan po namin ng regalo mula dito sa Europa ang mga kwentong inyong ipadadala. Kaya comment na below at magsubscribe na sa aming YouTube Channels na Jon and Jeri at Jericho’s Place at bisitahin ang aming website na!

System Mechanic® Ultimate Defense™

Then comment below, share, likes and subscribe now to Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” & “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel then follow our blogs at and register to Teaching English in Madrid at


Ano pang hinihintay ninyo so chat na sa: o mag- whatsapp na sa no. +34-672407221 and +639209651979 then subscribe now bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world!

Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, if you have story from ordinary to being extraordinary, from rags to riches story, silver lining to gold spoon achievements or simply to boost your confidence and morale then send your CVs or RESUMES plus attached a 1 to 2 minutes video clip and photos (only wholesome videos and photos will be accepted) on our email found below to be posted online for free, maybe you can find your “Job of a Lifetime.”

Alibaba Cloud

Jon and Jeri Advice- “Hanggang bata ka pa ay magnegosyo na, sabayan ng sipag, tiyaga, koneksyon at diskarte, samahan ng sipag sa pag-aaral para ang buhay ay bumuti!” (Start your business while young plus learn the art of hard work, patience, connection and pursuant to finish your college education then your life will be successful in the future.)

(YOU TOO can invite us to cover your events and product presentations for FREE to be featured in our blogs @ , Jon & Jeri and Jericho’s Place Channel in YouTube. FREE selling, posting of products & services @ and hotel booking at We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful just message us at Whatsapp no: +34-672407221 and +639209651979, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below…SUBSCRIBE NOW!)

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Eres Talipandas: An Account of Slight Racism in Spain! (Part 1) Thu, 23 Sep 2021 10:12:11 +0000

Have you experienced or received a sort of racism not on grand scale but a “simplistic racist actuation” here in Madrid or parts of Spain because of your color (brown and black) or they think that you are Latino? You can see these actuations on different actual scenarios that had happened to one of my family, friends or acquaintances:

(¿Has experimentado o recibido una especie de racismo no a gran escala sino una “actuación racista simplista” aquí en Madrid o en partes de España por tu color (marrón y negro) o piensan que eres latino? Puedes ver estas actuaciones en diferentes escenarios reales que le habían sucedido a uno de mis familiares, amigos o conocidos:)

1. One of my friends went to buy a grocery at Corte Ingles- Goya then the guard is always following him, if not the guard, then the staff of the store. He felt awkward though it is silently happening inside the store that you feel insecure to yourself, “Am I welcome here?”. Then he finished shopping and paid for everything but at the exit suddenly it sounded an alarm, the guard checked everything against the receipt and nothing he found. He asked the guard, why it so “because the cashier intentionally or forgot to cancel the barcode of embutido” so that the person can be automatically checked at the gate by the guard for unknown suspicious reason, but obviously it sounds the same, but the intention is equal.

(Uno de mis amigos fue a comprar una tienda de comestibles al Corte Inglés-Goya, entonces el guardia siempre lo está siguiendo, si no el guardia, entonces el personal de la tienda. Se sintió incómodo a pesar de que está sucediendo silenciosamente dentro de la tienda que te sientes inseguro contigo mismo, “¿Soy bienvenido aquí?”. Luego terminó de comprar y pagó todo, pero en la salida de repente sonó una alarma, el guardia comprobó todo con el recibo y no encontró nada. Le preguntó al guardia, por qué era así “porque el cajero intencionalmente o se olvidó de cancelar el código de barras del embutido” para que la persona pueda ser revisada automáticamente en la puerta por el guardia por una razón sospechosa desconocida, pero obviamente suena igual, pero el la intención es igual.)

This is the reason why Corte Ingles chain of stores are losing clientele because of suspicious character of guards and staff who don’t know how to behave well in front of their customers, they are losing the sense of customer service. They simply have suspicions specially if you came from 3rd world country, but they are not thinking even white color or a lady like model has some sort or tendency of being kleptomania. Being vigilance is ok but not to subject the person on that kind of situation otherwise what’s the use of your CCTV camera.

(Esta es la razón por la que la cadena de tiendas Corte Inglés está perdiendo clientela por el carácter sospechoso de los guardias y el personal que no sabe comportarse bien frente a sus clientes, están perdiendo el sentido del servicio al cliente. Simplemente tienen sospechas, especialmente si vienes de un país del tercer mundo, pero no están pensando que incluso el color blanco o una modelo como una dama tiene algún tipo o tendencia a ser cleptomanía. Estar alerta está bien, pero no someter a la persona a ese tipo de situación, de lo contrario, ¿cuál es el uso de su cámara CCTV?)

* The branch of Springfield here in Goya has a generative suspicious tendency, although it is light, but it is still suspicion. My family bought an item sale before the Christmas of 2020 then the line is too long at the 1st floor, so she was asked to go down at the Ground Level. At the cashier counter, the lady asked her the “tarjeta” and payment card together, so she was asking why with “tarjeta”? The lady cashier asked for more details not related like “are you belong to familia numerosa?” And sort of unrelated questions and she responded in spanish, “why are you asking the details, I just want to pay…are you going to give me a discount card?” then lady cashier said “no”. So, the intention is clear now, she is just checking only if her card is fraud that’s why the lady cashier is asking the “tarjeta” or asking unrelated questions…to delay or prolong the process of payment.

(La sucursal de Springfield aquí en Goya tiene una tendencia generativa suspicaz, aunque es ligera, pero sigue siendo sospecha. Mi familia compró un artículo a la venta antes de la Navidad de 2020, luego la fila es demasiado larga en el primer piso, por lo que le pidieron que bajara al nivel del suelo. En el mostrador de caja, la señora le preguntó la “tarjeta” y la tarjeta de pago juntas, entonces ella preguntaba ¿por qué con la “tarjeta”? La cajera pidió más detalles no relacionados como “¿perteneces a la familia numerosa?” Y una especie de preguntas no relacionadas y ella respondió en español, “¿Por qué me preguntas los detalles, solo quiero pagar … me vas a dar una tarjeta de descuento?” luego la cajera dijo “no”. Entonces, la intención es clara ahora, solo está verificando si su tarjeta es un fraude, por eso la cajera está preguntando la “tarjeta” o haciendo preguntas no relacionadas … para retrasar o prolongar el proceso de pago.)

* This situation I witnessed personally at Aldi near Casa de Moneda, a man who is color brown looks like Latino entered the supermarket then what the cashier did, she made a radio call to her colleagues, describing the color of shirt, pants and mark description of the person. But the person is not doing anything nor doing a robbery or pickpocketing, he simply enters with good faith and wants to buy something in Aldi. You cannot imagine this kind of security protocol being practice in a popularly known “supermercado” or if it is really a legal security protocol? I have no idea but this is a sign of slight racism.

(Esta situación la presencié personalmente en Aldi cerca de Casa de Moneda, un hombre que es de color marrón parece latino entró al supermercado entonces lo que hizo la cajera, ella hizo una llamada por radio a sus compañeros, describiendo el color de camisa, pantalón y marca descripción de la persona. Pero la persona no está haciendo nada ni está haciendo un robo o hurto, simplemente entra de buena fe y quiere comprar algo en Aldi. ¿No te imaginas que este tipo de protocolo de seguridad se practique en un “supermercado” popularmente conocido o si realmente se trata de un protocolo de seguridad legal? No tengo idea, pero esto es un signo de racismo leve.)

(Continue reading the Part 2…continúe leyendo la Parte 2)

Ano pang hinihintay mo, magtweet o mag-pm na kay Jon and Jeri para ikwento o ibulalas ang inyong saloobin o tanong sa buhay, ipadala o magmessage sa Facebook Account na “Jon y Jeri”,  Facebook page ng Jericho’s Place Travels and Blogs o Jaryo Group Online o mag-email sa amin sa:

Bawat kwento po ay hahanapan namin ng kasagutan na magbibigay ng inspirasyon at aral para sa ating mga kababayan. Bibigyan po namin ng regalo mula dito sa Europa ang mga kwentong inyong ipadadala. Kaya comment na below at magsubscribe na sa aming YouTube Channels na Jon and Jeri at Jericho’s Place at bisitahin ang aming website na!

System Mechanic® Ultimate Defense™

Then comment below, share, likes and subscribe now to Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” & “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel then follow our blogs at and register to Teaching English in Madrid at


Ano pang hinihintay ninyo so chat na sa: o mag- whatsapp na sa no. +34-672407221 and +639209651979 then subscribe now bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world!

Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, if you have story from ordinary to being extraordinary, from rags to riches story, silver lining to gold spoon achievements or simply to boost your confidence and morale then send your CVs or RESUMES plus attached a 1 to 2 minutes video clip and photos (only wholesome videos and photos will be accepted) on our email found below to be posted online for free, maybe you can find your “Job of a Lifetime.”

Alibaba Cloud

Jon and Jeri Advice- “Hanggang bata ka pa ay magnegosyo na, sabayan ng sipag, tiyaga, koneksyon at diskarte, samahan ng sipag sa pag-aaral para ang buhay ay bumuti!” (Start your business while young plus learn the art of hard work, patience, connection and pursuant to finish your college education then your life will be successful in the future.)

(YOU TOO can invite us to cover your events and product presentations for FREE to be featured in our blogs @ , Jon & Jeri and Jericho’s Place Channel in YouTube. FREE selling, posting of products & services @ and hotel booking at We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful just message us at Whatsapp no: +34-672407221 and +639209651979, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below…SUBSCRIBE NOW!)

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Fusion of Boracay in demand for Madridleños! Sun, 19 Sep 2021 08:36:08 +0000 We are just strolling the area of Tetuan to look for “tambo” as we know the place is a well-known Filipino locality in the city of Madrid until we stopped then saw the name- Boracay Resto Bar Madrid. Curios of what inside, the place is packed of Spanish clientele eating desayuno with Filipino food on the side…Spanish are eating Filipino food now, how great strategy it is!

(Simplemente estamos desplazándonos por el área de Tetuán para buscar “tambo” ya que sabemos que el lugar es una localidad filipina muy conocida en la ciudad de Madrid hasta que paramos y luego vimos el nombre – ¡Boracay Resto Bar Madrid! Curiosidades de lo que adentro, el lugar está lleno de clientela española comiendo desayuno con comida filipina a un lado… Los españoles están comiendo comida filipina ahora, ¡qué gran estrategia!)

Until the owner approached us with a smile, his name is Chris with his lovely wife. They were cordial with their customers as we observed them but not snobbish (with the same good attitude and reception of S&D Restaurante and Filipino Comida of Mang Jimmy) so we started chatting with them. At first, we thought they are Ilocanos, but Kuya Chris confirmed that he came from Boracay in Aklan where the name of his restaurant was taken while his wife is from Batangas.

(Hasta que el dueño se acercó a nosotros con una sonrisa, su nombre es Chris con su encantadora esposa. Fueron cordiales con sus clientes tal como los observábamos pero no snob (con la misma buena actitud y recepción de S&D Restaurante y Filipino Comida de Mang Jimmy) así que empezamos a charlar con ellos. Al principio, pensamos que eran Ilocanos, pero Kuya Chris confirmó que venía de Boracay en Aklan, donde se tomó el nombre de su restaurante mientras que su esposa es de Batangas.)

We have discussed also that Madrid will implement to lift the restrictions starting this 20th of September 2021 (Monday) on restaurants and bars to open until 2 am and night bars, clubs, and discos to open until 5.30 am. The catering industry and nightlife scene will feel almost back to normal as this is just like before the corona pandemic. In addition, 10 people can sit together on terraces of restaurants instead of 8 with 100% capacity while inside to 75% seating capacity.

(Hemos comentado también que Madrid implementará para levantar las restricciones a partir de este 20 de septiembre de 2021 (lunes) sobre restaurantes y bares para abrir hasta las 2 am y bares nocturnos, clubes y discotecas para abrir hasta las 5.30 am. La industria de la restauración y la vida nocturna volverán a la normalidad, ya que es como antes de la pandemia de la corona. Además, 10 personas pueden sentarse juntas en las terrazas de los restaurantes en lugar de 8 con una capacidad del 100% mientras que en el interior hasta el 75% de la capacidad de asientos.)

As to progress with the conversation, I observed that the place was full of Spanish clientele while only the two (2) of us Pinoys (Jon y Jeri) who were eating the best barbeque with free “mangga and bagoong alamang” on the side.  Then our “postre” is the best “halo-halo” with savor of “ube and mango ice cream” that personally created by the family and not to forget with free scoops of additional mango ice cream with manzanilla hot tea at the end… really a good treatment for unknown person like us. Then Kuya Chris explained that his market is solidly Spanish but with 40 years of living here in Spain gave him the idea that he needed to develop the palate of Spanish people to taste and love the delectable Filipino cuisine where to create a fusion of being one of Spanish Restaurante in Madrid.

(En cuanto al avance de la conversación, observé que el lugar estaba lleno de clientela española mientras que solo nosotros dos (2) Pinoys (Jon y Jeri) estábamos comiendo la mejor parrillada con mangga y bagoong alamang gratis a un lado. Entonces nuestro “postre” es el mejor “halo-halo” con sabor a “ube y mango helado” creado personalmente por la familia y no olvidar con bolas gratis de helado de mango adicional con té caliente de manzanilla al final. Realmente un buen trato para desconocidos como nosotros. Entonces Kuya Chris explicó que su mercado es sólidamente español pero con 40 años de vivir aquí en España le dio la idea de que necesitaba desarrollar el paladar de los españoles para degustar y amar la deliciosa cocina filipina donde crear una fusión de ser uno de los Restaurante español en Madrid.)

Kuya Chris is really the entrepreneur we are looking for, with a mentality to create his own market using his own talent, creativity and niche while protecting also the businesses of our Kababayans who are engaged on the same field. I can’t believe it, this restaurant created a market catering primarily for Spanish than we thought for Filipinos, it is incredible concept…hasta pronto!

(Kuya Chris es realmente el emprendedor que estamos buscando, con la mentalidad de crear su propio mercado utilizando su propio talento, creatividad y nicho mientras protege también los negocios de nuestros Kababayans que están comprometidos en el mismo campo. No puedo creerlo, este restaurante creó un mercado que atiende principalmente al español de lo que pensamos para los filipinos, es un concepto increíble … ¡hasta pronto!)

Ano pang hinihintay mo, magtweet o mag-pm na kay Jon y Jeri para ikwento o ibulalas ang inyong saloobin o tanong sa buhay, ipadala o magmessage sa Facebook Account na “Jon y Jeri”,  Facebook page ng Jericho’s Place Travels and Blogs o Jaryo Group Online o mag-email sa amin sa:

Bawat kwento po ay hahanapan namin ng kasagutan na magbibigay ng inspirasyon at aral para sa ating mga kababayan. Bibigyan po namin ng regalo mula dito sa Europa ang mga kwentong inyong ipadadala. Kaya comment na below at magsubscribe na sa aming YouTube Channels na Jon and Jeri at Jericho’s Place at bisitahin ang aming website na!

System Mechanic® Ultimate Defense™

Then comment below, share, likes and subscribe now to Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” & “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel then follow our blogs at and register to Teaching English in Madrid at


Ano pang hinihintay ninyo so chat na sa: o mag- whatsapp na sa no. +34-672407221 and +639209651979 then subscribe now bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world!

Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, if you have story from ordinary to being extraordinary, from rags to riches story, silver lining to gold spoon achievements or simply to boost your confidence and morale then send your CVs or RESUMES plus attached a 1 to 2 minutes video clip and photos (only wholesome videos and photos will be accepted) on our email found below to be posted online for free, maybe you can find your “Job of a Lifetime.”

Alibaba Cloud

Jon and Jeri Advice- “Hanggang bata ka pa ay magnegosyo na, sabayan ng sipag, tiyaga, koneksyon at diskarte, samahan ng sipag sa pag-aaral para ang buhay ay bumuti!” (Start your business while young plus learn the art of hard work, patience, connection and pursuant to finish your college education then your life will be successful in the future.)

(YOU TOO can invite us to cover your events and product presentations for FREE to be featured in our blogs @ , Jon & Jeri and Jericho’s Place Channel in YouTube. FREE selling, posting of products & services @ and hotel booking at We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful just message us at Whatsapp no: +34-672407221 and +639209651979, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below…SUBSCRIBE NOW!)


Don’t you know that Filipino Frontliners are among the participants in the last clinical test for the development of COVID-19 Vaccine? Tue, 11 Aug 2020 23:55:32 +0000 Filipino Healthcare Professionals are among the participants for the Phase 3 Clinical Trials, these frontliners volunteered themselves for the success of the vaccine against COVID-19 for welfare of mankind. These tests covered 6,000 volunteers composed of different nationalities that commenced on 16th of July 2020 in United Arab Emirates.

The volunteers are informed that test will be a Phase III Clinical Trial Of COVID-19 Inactivated Vaccine. The dosage is clearly stated in the procedures for those who will get the 1st dose of of COVID-19 Inactivated Vaccine (Vero Cell). Most participants are healthy individuals and 18 years old and above.

Below are the clear-cut guidelines being followed during the Phase 3 Clinical Trials:

  1. Informed Consent.
  2. Medical History, Physical Examination and Consultation (including Swab Test).
  3. Sample Collection: 12.5ml of venous blood for antibodies testing.
  4. Immunization (Vaccine or Placebo— 2:1 ratio)— IM route, lateral deltoid muscle of the upper arm. Schedule: Day 0, 21/28. A booster dose might be vaccinated later if needed.
  5. 30-minute Observation.
  6. Sample collection after vaccination.
  7. Follow-up phone calls and visits will be conducted for about 12 Months from first vaccination (Duration of involvement in the study is about 1 Year).
  8. In case of COVID-19 Infection, a blood sample will be withdrawn to perform laboratory assessment for your health.

Related Risks:

  1. Pain, redness, induration and pruritus at vaccination site.
  2. Systemic reactions such as fever, headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, allergy, muscle pain, arthralgia, lethargy, convulsion etc. Generally, there is no need for treatment, it subsides on its own. Patients with severe symptoms can be given symptomatic treatment under the guidance of doctors. Occasionally severe allergic reactions occur, and timely treatment should be required.

This Phase 3 Clinical Trial passed already the Phase 1 and 2 with 100 percent of the volunteers generated antibodies for SARS-CoV-2 that causes Covid-19. This program is 4Humanity Campaign in support for the fast phase search for the development of vaccine against this COVID-19 pandemic.

With a month after the Phase 3 Clinical Trial on COVID-19 facilitated in the middle east, another breakthrough was announced by Russia that “SPUTNIK V” passed and accepted for production that hopefully 1st batch will be released soon somewhere on September or October of this year 2020. Hopefully, this “SPUTNIK V” will be the new effective and efficient vaccine for COVID-19 that will protect the health of mankind for long duration of time!

Announcement of Jericho’s Place!

Ano pang hinihintay mo, magtweet o mag-pm na kay Jon and Jeri para ikwento o ibulalas ang inyong saloobin o tanong sa buhay, ipadala o magmessage sa Facebook Account na “Jon En Jeri”,  Facebook page ng Jericho’s Place Travels and Blogs o Jaryo Group Online o mag-email sa amin sa:

Bawat kwento po ay hahanapan namin ng kasagutan na magbibigay ng inspirasyon at aral para sa ating mga kababayan. Bibigyan po namin ng regalo mula dito sa Europa ang mga kwentong inyong ipadadala. Kaya comment na below at magsubscribe na sa aming YouTube Channels na Jon and Jeri at Jericho’s Place at bisitahin ang aming website na!

System Mechanic® Ultimate Defense™

Then comment below, share, likes and subscribe now to Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” & “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel then follow our blogs at and register to Teaching English in Madrid at


Ano pang hinihintay ninyo so chat na sa: o mag- whatsapp na sa no. +34-672407221 and +639209651979 then subscribe now bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world!

Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, if you have story from ordinary to being extraordinary, from rags to riches story, silver lining to gold spoon achievements or simply to boost your confidence and morale then send your CVs or RESUMES plus attached a 1 to 2 minutes video clip and photos (only wholesome videos and photos will be accepted) on our email found below to be posted online for free, maybe you can find your “Job of a Lifetime.”

Alibaba Cloud

Jon and Jeri Advice- “Hanggang bata ka pa ay magnegosyo na, sabayan ng sipag, tiyaga, koneksyon at diskarte, samahan ng sipag sa pag-aaral para ang buhay ay bumuti!” (Start your business while young plus learn the art of hard work, patience, connection and pursuant to finish your college education then your life will be successful in the future.)

(YOU TOO can invite us to cover your events and product presentations for FREE to be featured in our blogs @ , Jon & Jeri and Jericho’s Place Channel in YouTube. FREE selling, posting of products & services @ and hotel booking at We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful just message us at Whatsapp no: +34-672407221 and +639209651979, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below…SUBSCRIBE NOW!)


Paano magluto sa Oven ng Honey Baked Pork Chops? Wed, 24 Jun 2020 11:28:17 +0000 Simple lang po ang pagluluto ng Honey Baked Pork Chops sa oven, sa 30 minutes na paghahanda ng sangkap ay may oras pa kayo na gawin ang iba pang trabaho na gusto ninyo lalo ngayong quarantine.

Ito po ang mga sangkap ng Honey Baked Pork Chops:

  1. Pork Chops (kahit 6 na piraso)
  2. Toyo at suka (tansyahin ang lasa sa paghalo pwede ding dagdagan ng balsamic vinegar)
  3. Honey (1/2 cup) at ketchup para pampapula
  4. Gulay: carrots, patatas (kung may red apple ay pwede din) at bell pepper
  5. Dahon ng laurel (4 na dahon)
  6. Star Anise (4 to 5 piraso) at pamintang durog
  7. Aluminum foil para pansarado ng tray

Proseso ng paghahanda at pagluluto:

  1. Hugasan ang pork chops bago i-marinate
  2. Ihanda ang marinated solution na pinaghalong toyo, suka at balsamic vinegar kung mayron, lagyan ng dalawang baso na tubig na may asin o salt.
  3. Tansyahin ang lasa ng marinated solution bago lagyan ng ½ cup honey at ketchup
  4. Isama na sa marinated solution ang dahon ng laurel, star anise at paminta
  5. Ibabad ang pork chops sa marinated solution habang hinuhugasan ang gulay at ginagayat
  6. Ang gayat na carrots, patatas at bell pepper ay dapat katamtaman lamang at kung mayrong mansanas ay makakatulong itong magpasarap (tingnan ang video)
  7. Ilagay sa cooking tray ang gayat ng carrots, patatas at mansanas
  8. Ipatung sa mga gulay ang mga pork chops at pagakatapos ay ibuhos sa cooking tray ang marinated solution.
  9. Ipatong sa ibabaw ng pork chops ang mga gayat na bell pepper
  10. Takpan na ang cooking tray ng aluminum foil at ilagay sa oven (huwag mahigpit dahil tatanggalin ito matapos ang 45 minutes)
  11. Dapat ang oven ay preheat na ng 200 degrees celsius
  12. Ilagay na sa oven ang cooking tray na may taklob ng aluminum foil for 45 minutes

Pagkatapos ng 45 minutes ay tangggalin ang aluminum foil sa cooking tray then, taasan ang temperature ng oven sa 250 degrees celsius for another 45 minutes o hanggang magcaramelize na. Palamigin ng bahagya bago hanguin sa oven. I-serve ito ng mainit-init pa na may kasamang kanin.

Panoorin po natin ang Honey Baked Pork Chops video para sa inyong reference!

Announcement of Jericho’s Place!

Ano pang hinihintay mo, magtweet o mag-pm na kay Jon and Jeri para  ikwento o ibulalas ang inyong saloobin o tanong sa buhay, ipadala o magmessage sa Facebook Account na “Jon En Jeri”,  Facebook page ng Jericho’s Place Travels and Blogs o Jaryo Group Online o mag-email sa amin sa:

Bawat kwento po ay hahanapan namin ng kasagutan na magbibigay ng inspirasyon at aral para sa ating mga kababayan. Bibigyan po namin ng regalo mula dito sa Europa ang mga kwentong inyong ipadadala. Kaya comment na below at magsubscribe na sa aming YouTube Channels na Jon and Jeri at Jericho’s Place at bisitahin ang aming website na!

System Mechanic® Ultimate Defense™

Then comment below, share, likes and subscribe now to Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” & “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel then follow our blogs at and register to Teaching English in Madrid at


Ano pang hinihintay ninyo so chat na sa: o mag- whatsapp na sa no. +34-672407221 and +639209651979 then subscribe now bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world!

Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, if you have story from ordinary to being extraordinary, from rags to riches story, silver lining to gold spoon achievements or simply to boost your confidence and morale then send your CVs or RESUMES plus attached a 1 to 2 minutes video clip and photos (only wholesome videos and photos will be accepted) on our email found below to be posted online for free, maybe you can find your “Job of a Lifetime.”

Alibaba Cloud

Jon and Jeri Advice- “Hanggang bata ka pa ay magnegosyo na, sabayan ng sipag, tiyaga, koneksyon at diskarte, samahan ng sipag sa pag-aaral para ang buhay ay bumuti!” (Start your business while young plus learn the art of hard work, patience, connection and pursuant to finish your college education then your life will be successful in the future.)

(YOU TOO can invite us to cover your events and product presentations for FREE to be featured in our blogs @ , Jon & Jeri and Jericho’s Place Channel in YouTube. FREE selling, posting of products & services @ and hotel booking at We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful just message us at Whatsapp no: +34-672407221 and +639209651979, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below…SUBSCRIBE NOW!)


How to Safely Disinfect Phones and PCs? Tue, 16 Jun 2020 12:55:05 +0000 Right on the pandemic, good device hygiene is more important than ever. Yet it may be less than obvious which cleaners, cloths and procedures are effective without doing damage to our phones, computers and other devices. Here is a catalog of best practices to help you safely clean these crucial pieces of technology we use every day and seek to protect.

Cleaning Phones

Not everyone has the option of sheltering in place, but even if you’re fortunate enough to stay home right now, there are errands like grocery shopping that continue unabated. We make efforts to wear masks in public, and limit interaction with others to perhaps a few trips to the grocery store per month, yet our phones still travel with us everywhere. If you’re not locked down at home, this includes your place of business and maybe even public restrooms.

System Mechanic® Ultimate Defense™

The reality is that many of us are constantly setting our phones down on foreign surfaces. Worse, we never seem to stop touching our phones—and we’re all aware of how important clean hands are these days. This makes it imperative that you disinfect your phone regularly.

There are sophisticated (if pricey) solutions to disinfecting phones, as well as earbuds, car keys and other small portable items. UV sanitizers housing multiple tiny UV lamps encase your phone in a tanning-bed-like pod and can destroy the germs that live on its surface in as little as three minutes.

However, if you don’t have north of a hundred dollars to spend, you can get the job done safely with a single-use disinfecting wipe and a soft cloth. Here are the basic Dos and Don’ts:

System Mechanic®. Fix & Speed Up Your PC Automatically™.


  1. Consider adding a screen protector to your phone to allow you to clean that surface while reducing the risk of damaging the oleophobic coating on your actual phone screen.
  2. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend wearing disposable gloves to clean your devices, and then washing your hands afterward.
  3. Don’t reuse gloves, since they can harbor virus particles just as your devices can.
  4. Use only bleach-free disinfecting wipes (e.g., Clorox or Lysol Wipes).
  5. If the wipe is softer on one side and more abrasive on the other, use the soft side.
  6. Partially ring out the wipe and swab the phone gently, front and back.
  7. When you are finished, dry the phone with a soft, microfiber cloth.
  8. Wipe down your phone case. Separate phone and case before cleaning, and then let each dry thoroughly before reassembling.


  1. Phones may be sensitive to excess moisture, so do not saturate your phone.
  2. Avoid spray cleaners.
  3. Never submerge your phone in a cleaning solution.
  4. Do not use bleach.

Other steps for better phone hygiene:

  1. Be mindful of where you set your phone down.
  2. Keep wipes in your car for a quick swab after you’ve been running errands.
  3. To minimize phone contact with your face, use earplugs or a Bluetooth headset to talk.
  4. Avoid passing your phone around—better to share those photos by text message!

Cleaning Computers

Like phones and tablets, laptops travel with us, making them potential carriers of bacteria and harmful organisms acquired outside the home. In the hierarchy of devices that need regular cleaning, laptops are right behind phones and tablets.

However, if you have a shared desktop computer in your household, it is important that it be disinfected regularly as well. The more people who touch a computer on a daily basis, the greater the odds are that it will come into contact with disease-causing organisms.


  1. Unplug the mouse and keyboard from their USB connections prior to cleaning. You do not need to completely power down.
  2. As with phones and tablets, wear single-use gloves to clean; discard them and wash your hands afterward.
  3. As with phones and tablets, use only soft, bleach-free disinfecting wipes.
  4. Be mindful of how damp the wipe is, and ring out excess liquid before applying.
  5. Generally, you can clean laptop and desktop screens less frequently than tablets, phones, and touch-screen computers.
  6. After you wipe down the keyboard, mouse and screen(s) with a disinfecting wipe, use a damp microfiber cloth to swab the surfaces.
  7. Dry with a second microfiber cloth.


  1. Never spray directly onto a computer to clean it.
  2. Avoid bleach-containing wipes.
  3. Don’t use paper towels, as they can leave traces of themselves among your computer’s various components.
  4. Also avoid any towels made of rough material, as well as harsh sponges. Some disinfecting wipes have a more abrasive surface on one side of the wipe; only use the soft side of the wipe.

Getting in the habit of routinely swabbing down phones, tablets, laptops and shared desktop computers will help keep you safe from surface contamination, and hopefully contribute to your peace of mind. Under the present circumstances, phones should be cleaned daily if they have touched foreign surfaces during your errands or workday; schedule regular tablet and laptop cleanings based on exposure; and encourage family members or roommates to swab shared household devices including desktops, after each use.

This article is part of a series on safeguarding and getting the most out of technology during the coronavirus.

To achieve faster internet for smoother browsing, streaming and gaming, click here.
To avoid scams and protect your tech in the at-home era, click here.
To read tips on getting the most out of working from home, click here.

Everything you need to Fix, Speed Up and Repair your Small Office PCs.

 Announcement of Jericho’s Place!

Ano pang hinihintay mo, magtweet o mag-pm na kay Jon and Jeri para ikwento o ibulalas ang inyong saloobin o tanong sa buhay, ipadala o magmessage sa Facebook Account na “Jon En Jeri”,  Facebook page ng Jericho’s Place Travels and Blogs o Jaryo Group Online o mag-email sa amin sa:

Bawat kwento po ay hahanapan namin ng kasagutan na magbibigay ng inspirasyon at aral para sa ating mga kababayan. Bibigyan po namin ng regalo mula dito sa Europa ang mga kwentong inyong ipadadala. Kaya comment na below at magsubscribe na sa aming YouTube Channels na Jon and Jeri at Jericho’s Place at bisitahin ang aming website na!

Then comment below, share, likes and subscribe now to Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” & “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel then follow our blogs at and register to Teaching English in Madrid at

Anu pang hinihintay ninyo so chat na sa: o mag- whatsapp na sa no. +34-672407221 and +639209651979 then subscribe now bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world!

Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, if you have story from ordinary to being extraordinary, from rags to riches stories, silver lining to gold spoon achievements or simply to boost your confidence and morale then send your CVs or RESUMES plus attached a 1 to 2 minutes video clip and photos (only wholesome videos and photos will be accepted) on our email found below to be posted online for free, maybe you can find your “Job of a Lifetime.”

Jon and Jeri Advice- “Hanggang bata ka pa ay magnegosyo na, sabayan ng sipag, tiyaga, koneksyon at diskarte, samahan ng sipag sa pag-aaral para ang buhay ay bumuti!” (Start your business while young plus learn the art of hard work, patience, connection and pursuant to finish your college education then your life will be successful in the future.)

(YOU TOO can invite us to cover your events and product presentations for FREE to be featured in our blogs @ , Jon & Jeri and Jericho’s Place Channel in YouTube. FREE selling, posting of products & services @ and hotel booking at We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful just message us at Whatsapp no: +34-672407221 and +639209651979, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below…SUBSCRIBE NOW!)


Ayuda ng gobyerno, pangrebond ba? Thu, 30 Apr 2020 21:02:26 +0000 Ang kwento po natin ay mula sa babaeng nagparebond ng buhok at nagkokonsensya sa paggamit ng ayuda, kaya magtweet na using the “#cuentameAYUDA”.

Ang episode po natin ay personal na salaysay ng isang babae na nakokonsensya sa ngayon, na pinamagatang “Ayuda ng gobyerno, pangrebond ba?”

Dear Jon and Jeri,

Itago ninyo na lang po ako sa pangalang Inday, hindi ko po lubos maisip bakit sa dinami-dami ng mga tao noon ay nasentro pa sa akin ang usapin. Ang gusto ko lang po sanang magrelax kaya naisipan kong magpahangin sa labas at iparebond ang aking buhok. Nawala po sa isip ko na may curfew na pala, hindi ko po alam na hahantung sa ganito na sisikat ang buhok ko. Alam ko pong mali ang aking inasal dahil hindi normal ang sitwasyon ng ating bansa dahil sa pandemya pero ako ay humihingi ng second chance dahil talagang akoy nakalimot, pasensya po at naging tanga ako pati ang ayuda sa pagkain ay nagamit ko sa pagrebond ng buhok ko…pasensya na po.

Ito po ay hango sa tunay na buhay na maaaring makarelate tayo o magbigay ng aral sa buhay!

Ang susunod ay ibat-ibang mukha ng mga Abusado sa Ayuda mula sa ulat ng GMA News, panoorin po natin at isipin kung ilan pang “Juan” ang nanatili sa utak na ganito:

  1. Social amelioration para sa sabong?
  2. Apat na ayuda, kulang pa o scam na?
  3. Ayuda na P6500.00, pambili ng droga?
  4. Tulong financial na 8k, pang 1 weel lang?

Isipin po natin na ang tulong ng gobyerno ay pinagsama-samang katas ng hirap ng bawat isang mamayang Pilipino maging nasa Pilipinas at mga OFWs na dapat gamitin sa tama at pahalagahan!

Alibaba Cloud

Hugot for Cuentame!

Maraming salamat po kay Rory at Molly na kaklase namin na siyang nagpadala ng ayuda kay Nanay Atring sa episode last week.

Ang kalooban ko ay para ipagtanggol ang ating OFWs, kung pumila sila sa ayuda kahit saan mang panig ng mundo basta sila ay lumakas at maging masigla sa araw-araw ay nararapat, no judgement. Bakit, sila ang ugat ng pamilya sa Pilipinas na hindi dapat manghina…saludo po kami sa inyo!

Huwag po tayo basta basta manghuhusga ng ating kapwa kasi hindi po natin alam ang kanilang tunay na kwento sa kanilang mga buhay.

Iyan po ang hugot namin for Cuentame!

Microsoft Azure Certification Training

Highlights of Cuentame!

Ang highlights of Cuentame ay ang mukha ng realidad sa panahon ng krisis, hindi po ito mukha ng mahirap o mayaman, Español, Filipino o ipa bang nasyonalidad bagkus ito ay mukha ng pagtutulungan upang mabuhay at makaraos sa araw-araw mula sa kinasasadlakang pandemya. Makikita natin ang ating mga kababayang OFWs na matyagang pumipila para sa mga ayuda dito sa Madrid. Iyan po ay dapat at nararapat na hindi dapat ikahiya, dahil karamihan sa Pinoy sa kabila ng kanilang paghihirap at sakripisyo sa abroad ay uunahin ang sikmura ng kanilang kapamilya sa Pilipinas bago ang kanilang sarili…cheer-up mga OFWs at tibayan po natin ang ating loob dahil kayo po ang bayani ng bayan!

Laura Gomez (Reporter): Magandang umaga po sa inyo taga-Madrid, umaga pa lang po ay patuloy na humahaba ang pila dito sa Plaza de San German mula sa simbahan ni Santa Maria Micaela at San Enrique sa Distrito ng Tetuan para kumuha ng “basic goods” na pagkain. Kilo-kilo po ang pagkain ipinamamahagi dito na nilalagay nila sa kanilang “carritos” (carts) o “mochilla” (bags) para dalhin sa kanilang tahanan.

Pinoy (Recipient): Sorry po, hindi po ako masyadong nakakapagsalita ng Espanyol.

Laura Gomez (Reporter): Mula sa Pilipinas?

Pinoy (Recipient): Opo (si)

Laura Gomez (Reporter): Totoo pala na karamihan sa mga “nationalities” dito sa Distrito ng Tetuan ay mga Filipino. Ngayon kausapin natin si Cristina na volunteer dito.

Panawagan ng Cuentame!

Ano pang hinihintay mo, magtweet o mag-pm na kay Jon and Jeri para  ikwento o ibulalas ang inyong saloobin o tanong sa buhay, ipadala o magmessage sa Facebook Account na “Jon En Jeri”,  Facebook page ng Jericho’s Place Travels and Blogs o Jaryo Group Online o mag-email sa amin sa:

Bawat kwento po ay hahanapan namin ng kasagutan na magbibigay ng inspirasyon at aral para sa ating mga kababayan. Bibigyan po namin ng regalo mula dito sa Europa at mga kwentong inyong ipapadala. Kaya comment na below at magsubscribe na sa aming YouTube Channels na Jon and Jeri at Jericho’s Place at bisitahin ang aming website na!

Ano ang Tanong?

Ano ang reaction ninyo hinggil sa viral message at video patungkol sa ating OFWs, ito po ay galing sa España: “Trending ngayon ang Pinoy, yan kasi noong may trabaho hindi man lang nagtabi kahit paunti-unti…gala doon, bili ng mamahaling gamit…sunod sa luho…kain kuno sa mga class na resto…selfie at feeling bless kuno para may maipagyabang sa social media. Ngayon nagka-crisis…nganga na kaya pumipila na sa mga nagbibigay ng pagkain…hay kawawa pa ngayon si Juan at Maria at damay-damay na sa mata ng mga Español!

Trending mula sa Italya: Pakita ko sa inyo kung gaano kasusugid ang mga Filipinong pumila sa relief(s) goods. Nangunguna ang mga Filipino mamila…3 oras mamila…4 na oras puro Filipino lahat, nakakatuwa naman…susugid!

Ito po ay hango sa trending post sa FB at hindi mula dito sa amin sa “Jon and Jeri” kaya i-comment below ang iyong sagot…don’t forget to subscribe!

Then comment below, share, likes and subscribe now to Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” & “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel then follow our blogs at and register to Teaching English in Madrid at

Anu pang hinihintay ninyo so chat na sa: o mag- whatsapp na sa no. +34-672407221 and +639209651979 then subscribe now bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world!

Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, if you have story from ordinary to being extraordinary, from rags to riches story, silver lining to gold spoon achievements or simply to boost your confidence and morale then send your CVs or RESUMES plus attached a 1 to 2 minutes video clip and photos (only wholesome videos and photos will be accepted) on our email found below to be posted online for free, maybe you can find your “Job of a Lifetime.”

Jon and Jeri Advice- “Hanggang bata ka pa ay magnegosyo na, sabayan ng sipag, tiyaga, koneksyon at diskarte, samahan ng sipag sa pag-aaral para ang buhay ay bumuti!” (Start your business while young plus learn the art of hard work, patience, connection and pursuant to finish your college education then your life will be successful in the future.)

(YOU TOO can invite us to cover your events and product presentations for FREE to be featured in our blogs @ , Jon & Jeri and Jericho’s Place Channel in YouTube. FREE selling, posting of products & services @ and hotel booking at We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful just message us at Whatsapp no: +34-672407221 and +639209651979, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below…SUBSCRIBE NOW!)


Tulong sa Nanay na labandera, ipadama na! Fri, 24 Apr 2020 12:04:40 +0000

Ang kwento po natin ay isang Nanay na nag-iisip sa ngayon kung paano kakayod para maipagamot ang anak niya na may pneumonia, kaya magtweet na using the “#cuentameLABANDERA”.

Ang episode po natin ay ang pagkapornada ng maliit na kabuhayan ng isang nanay na umaasa lamang sa paglalabada dahil sa malawakang lockdown, na pinamagatang “Tulong sa Nanay na labandera, ipadama na!”

Dear Jon and Jeri,

Nahihiya man po akong magmessage ay kinapalan ko na po para masabi ang aking kwento. Kung may tulong po ay salamat at kung wala ay kahit papaano ay naibahagi ko po ang aking kwento. Talagang kapos po kami dahil paglalabada lamang ang aking pinagkakakitaan sa ngayon na nawala pa dahil sa lockdown. May natatanggap naman po kaming mga ayuda sa gobyerno kaya nakakaraos sa araw-araw pero ang kinababahala ko po ay ang pneumonia ng aking anak na kambal na nagsimula ngayong Enero nitong taon lamang. Hindi po siya nawawalan ng sipon, ubo at laging pawisan. Lakip po nito ang kanyang x-ray para sa inyong kaalaman.

Microsoft Azure Certification Training

Ilang beses ko na pong pinacheck-up siya pero gagaling tapos babalik din po, natatakot po ako sa tuwing inaatake siya. Ang mahal din po ng antibiotic lalo sa tulad ko na kapos sa buhay.

Ito po ay personal message ni Nanay Atring sa “Jon and Jeri” YouTube Channel at Facebook na “Jon En Jeri”.

Ito po ang mga tips sa paglalaba ng ating mga celebrities at politician na sa kabila ng kanilang kasikatan ay ipinapakita pa rin nila na marunong silang maglaba, na ang paglalabada ay trabaho at marangal na gawain:

  1. Pagkusot sa parting kili-kili ng damit ayon kay Ivana Alawi!
  2. Paghihiwalay ng puti sa decolor mula kay Sen. Manny Pacquiao and Family!
  3. Banlawan bago sabonin ang underwear sabi ni Ion Perez!

Pini-feature din po natin si Maui Gurion sa kanyang “5 Kilong Bigas” na isang parody ng “Larawang Kupas”.

Hugot for Cuentame!

Sa mga taong gustong tumulong kay Nanay Atring ay magpm po sa amin para ipabatid po namin sa inyo ang kanyang facebook account. Ano mang tulong ay ipadiretso natin sa kanya para kayo na ang personal niyang makausap. Salamat po!

Ngayon pong lockdown ay nasa sa atin po kung paano natin lilibangin ang ating mga sarili sa panahong ito. Naway sulitin natin itong sandali para makipagbonding sa ating mga kapamilya.

Iyan po ang hugot namin for Cuentame!

Surface Laptop 3

Highlights of Cuentame!

Sa mga kantahin po na inyong mapapanood ay maipapakita na lahat tayo ay nakakadama ng pagkaburyong sa ating mga tahanan ngayong panahon ng krisis, hindi lamang diyan sa Pilipinas kung hindi dito rin sa Europa. Alam ko na ang unang ninyong libangan ay videoke at tama po yan, kaya samahan ninyo ako para ma-uplift ang ating spirit sa panahong ito.

Atin pong panoorin ang mga kanta sa balkonahe mula sa Italya ng “Bella Ciao at Macarena”, ang pagkanta ng “Sobrevivire (I will surivive)” mula sa España at “Rhythm of the Night” sa saliw ng saxophone sa Francia…cheer up po mga kabayan!

 Panawagan ng Cuentame!

Ano pang hinihintay mo, magtweet o mag-pm na kay Jon and Jeri para  ikwento o ibulalas ang inyong saloobin o tanong sa buhay, ipadala o magmessage sa Facebook Account na “Jon En Jeri”,  Facebook page ng Jericho’s Place Travels and Blogs o Jaryo Group Online o mag-email sa amin sa:

Bawat kwento po ay hahanapan namin ng kasagutan na magbibigay ng inspirasyon at aral para sa ating mga kababayan. Bibigyan po namin ng regalo mula dito sa Europa at mga kwentong inyong ipapadala. Kaya comment na below at magsubscribe na sa aming YouTube Channels na Jon and Jeri at Jericho’s Place at bisitahin ang aming website na!

Ano ang Tanong?

Ang tanong po natin: “Mamili ng pamalo na lumatay sa balat mo noong panahon ng iyong kabataaan?”

  1. Patpat (flat bamboo (2cmx60cm)
  2. Sinturon (belt)
  3. Lupid (rope)
  4. Uyo (dried coconut flower)
  5. Ibat-iba (ayaw ko ng maalala ?)

Ito po ay katuwaan lamang kaya i-comment below ang iyong sagot…don’t forget to subscribe!

Then comment below, share, likes and subscribe now to Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” & “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel then follow our blogs at and register to Teaching English in Madrid at

Anu pang hinihintay ninyo so chat na sa: o mag- whatsapp na sa no. +34-672407221 and +639209651979 then subscribe now bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world!

Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, if you have story from ordinary to being extraordinary, from rags to riches story, silver lining to gold spoon achievements or simply to boost your confidence and morale then send your CVs or RESUMES plus attached a 1 to 2 minutes video clip and photos (only wholesome videos and photos will be accepted) on our email found below to be posted online for free, maybe you can find your “Job of a Lifetime.”

Alibaba Cloud

Jon and Jeri Advice- “Hanggang bata ka pa ay magnegosyo na, sabayan ng sipag, tiyaga, koneksyon at diskarte, samahan ng sipag sa pag-aaral para ang buhay ay bumuti!” (Start your business while young plus learn the art of hard work, patience, connection and pursuant to finish your college education then your life will be successful in the future.)

(YOU TOO can invite us to cover your events and product presentations for FREE to be featured in our blogs @ , Jon & Jeri and Jericho’s Place Channel in YouTube. FREE selling, posting of products & services @ and hotel booking at We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful just message us at Whatsapp no: +34-672407221 and +639209651979, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below…SUBSCRIBE NOW!)


Bubongan ng bahay, bagong tambayan na at karay-kruz trending na libangan? Wed, 22 Apr 2020 20:17:21 +0000 Ang kwento po natin ay mula sa pm (personal message) ng mga dalitang taga-lungsod ukol sa nagyayari sa kanilang bubongan na ngayon ay bagong tambayan na, kaya magtweet na using the “#cuentameSOCIALDISTANCING”.

Ang episode po natin ay trending na karay-kruz sa mga bubungan ng bahay, na pinamagatang “Bubongan ng bahay, bagong tambayan na at karay-kruz trending na libangan?”

Dear Jon and Jeri,

Isa po akong anak dalita dito sa lungsod pero kahit akoy mahirap ay marunong naman po akong sumunod sa ating gobyerno. Ewan ko po ba kung bakit karamihan sa kapitbahay ko, kung wala sa kalye ay halos nasa bubongan ng bahay nagtitipon. Ang mahirap po nito ay dun pa sila nagkakaray-kruz. Paano po ba natin masasawata ang ganitong gawain ngayong panahon ng pandemya na alam natin ang mahigpit na pagpapatupad ng social distancing.

Ito po ay pm (personal message) ni Mang Romy sa facebook account na “Jon En Jeri” ukol sa bagong kaugalian ng ating ibang kababayan.

Mapapanood po natin ang mga paalala ng ilan sa mga alkalde ng lungsod para seryosohin ang social distancing.

Microsoft Azure Certification Training

Jon:                        Mayor Isko, paano po natin maipatutupad ang social distancing sa Maynila?

Mayor Isko:             Sa mga kababayan natin sa lungsod ang of those, is giving food box that would last “X” number of days for “X” number-members of the family. So, pumanatag lang kayo kasi mananawagan kami kung paano natin siya ipatutupad na kung saan magkakaroon pa rin tayo ng social distancing. Ibig sabihin, ililimit natin ‘yung interaction ng mga tao ng lungsod.

Jon:                        Pumunta naman po tayo sa Quezon City kung saan nagaganap ang presscon ni Mayor Belmonte ukol sa prohibition of mass gatherings.

Mayor Belmonte:     Kumpleto na po ang executive order na’yan. Including and I would like to stress prohibitions. I will be prohibiting mass gatherings, events, iyong mga ibat-ibang uri ng pagtitipon-tipon kung saan nagsasama-sama ang maraming mga tao. So, prohibited na po ito, hindi na lang discourage as per the content of my previous memorandum.

Jon:                        Ano po ang panawagan ninyo Mayor Vico sa Pasig para ma-appreciate ang effort ng ating mga frontliners?

Mayor Vico:             Konting pag-unawa po…’yung mga staff po natin, ‘yung mga team leader, ‘yung mga frontliners natin. Ah, sinusugal nila ang kalusugan nila, nagsasakripisyo po sila sa panahon ng krisis na ito. Ah, pagdumating po sila sa lugar ninyo, pasalamatan din po natin…huwag lang nating yayakapin dahil social distancing po tayo.

Jon:                        Maraming Salamat sa mga Alkalde na nanawagan tungkol sa social distancing.

Hugot for Cuentame!

Gusto kong ipakita para sa Hugot for Cuentame ang nangyayari sa Ecuador na nagkalat ang bangkay sa lansangan na sana huwag ng mangyari sa Pilipinas kaya makipag-cooperate po tayo, manatili sa bahay at panatilihin ang social distancing para maiwasan ang sakit.

Sana po ay manatili na lang tayo sa loob ng ating mga bahay kung wala naman tayong gagawin sa labas para hindi tayo mahawa o makapanghawa ng sakit.

Iyan po ang hugot namin for Cuentame!

 Highlights of Cuentame!


Ang highlights of Cuentame ay ang estriktong pagpapatupad ng social distancing dito sa España na kung saan umabot na ng 177,633 (as of 15 April 2020) ang na-infect ng covid-19. Namimigay na rin po ngayon ang gobyerno dito ng masks sa mga pasahero na sumasakay sa public transport at namimili sa supermarket para hindi mabilis mahawa ng sakit.

Panawagan ng Cuentame!

Ano pang hinihintay mo, magtweet o mag-pm na kay Jon and Jeri para  ikwento o ibulalas ang inyong saloobin o tanong sa buhay, ipadala o magmessage sa Facebook Account na “Jon En Jeri”,  Facebook page ng Jericho’s Place Travels and Blogs o Jaryo Group Online o mag-email sa amin sa:

Bawat kwento po ay hahanapan namin ng kasagutan na magbibigay ng inspirasyon at aral para sa ating mga kababayan. Bibigyan po namin ng regalo mula dito sa Europa at mga kwentong inyong ipapadala. Kaya comment na below at magsubscribe na sa aming YouTube Channels na Jon and Jeri at Jericho’s Place at bisitahin ang aming website na!

Ano ang Tanong?

Ang tanong po natin: “Ano ang paboritong numero ni Ka Ernie Baron?” I-comment below ang inyong sagot.

Then comment below, share, likes and subscribe now to Bisitang Pinoy “Jon and Jeri” & “Jericho’s Place” at YouTube Channel then follow our blogs at and register to Teaching English in Madrid at

Anu pang hinihintay ninyo so chat na sa: o mag- whatsapp na sa no. +34-672407221 and +639209651979 then subscribe now bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world!

Our Bestfriend JPs and OFWs around the world, if you have story from ordinary to being extraordinary, from rags to riches story, silver lining to gold spoon achievements or simply to boost your confidence and morale then send your CVs or RESUMES plus attached a 1 to 2 minutes video clip and photos (only wholesome videos and photos will be accepted) on our email found below to be posted online for free, maybe you can find your “Job of a Lifetime.”

Jon and Jeri Advice- “Hanggang bata ka pa ay magnegosyo na, sabayan ng sipag, tiyaga, koneksyon at diskarte, samahan ng sipag sa pag-aaral para ang buhay ay bumuti!” (Start your business while young plus learn the art of hard work, patience, connection and pursuant to finish your college education then your life will be successful in the future.)

Alibaba Cloud

(YOU TOO can invite us to cover your events and product presentations for FREE to be featured in our blogs @ , Jon & Jeri and Jericho’s Place Channel in YouTube. FREE selling, posting of products & services @ and hotel booking at We are ready to serve you even on a simple gathering to make your event meaningful just message us at Whatsapp no: +34-672407221 and +639209651979, we will wait for your comments and invitation down below…SUBSCRIBE NOW!)

